I love the Friday night of show week, it's normally a good crowd and we have our traditional curry night, I always preferred this to the after show parties!
In fact our audience on the Friday night was of Saturday night proportions! 74 tickets sold. Absolutely amazing! We flogged the hell out of this show and it was well worth it! It was a shame not to sell out, but I'm quibbling about 6 tickets, some people are never satisfied!
Now for this show we were operating a closed door policy, so once the show started, no entry was allowed. On this particular night it there was a couple of tickets left on the door for people I knew. I um'd and ah'd and said to FOH that they could come in if they arrived in the first 10 minutes, then realising that I couldn't make exceptions I said not to let anyone in. Said people arrived about 10 minutes after the performance had started and were refused entry... It had taken them 2 hours to travel from Central London which they had done to see my play - I felt so bad afterwards, but I had to stay true to the rules right?
Another solid performance from my wonderful cast, although my heart was racing the entire way through it as normal, I thought that it might get better as the week went on but no, I was still a nervous wreck until it was all over.
The curry afterwards was a raucous affair (as usual) with the hobbit and his BFAM leading the way, including everyone becoming Lord Muslington of Kent by the end of the evening and reinventing the Mexican Wave. The staff in that place must think we are crazy, well they are probably partly right when I think of the folk that were there...
Song of the day - Patsy Cline - Crazy
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